Science on Tap: The Wonderful World of Neurodiversity

"The Wonderful World of Neurodiversity: Aren’t We All a Bit Unique?" What exactly is neurodiversity? Even more perplexing: is there actually such a thing as ‘normal?’ The answer to these perennial head-scratchers just might depend on which academic perspective you use to unpack the puzzle. In this light-hearted and uplifting talk, two educational researchers will explore: + neuroscience to try to understand our brains (Is there such a thing as a ‘typical’ brain? Or, might we all exist on a spectrum of neuronal uniqueness?) + cognitive psychology to peek into our minds (Are some folks born with an innate ‘giftedness’ for perceiving reality in an alternative way? Could we be doing more to nurture a sense of curiosity, creativity, and divergent thinking within all children?) + linguistics and behavior (Why does society tend to more easily accept some types of behavior, while struggling to embrace certain kinds of ‘differentness?’ What would our world look like if we accepted and celebrated exceptionality?) The bottom line is that behind neurodivergent brains are actual humans with amazing stories and potential for innovation. Perhaps it just might be time for those stories to shine in the spotlight for a change. Christopher Merideth, Ed.D. is a writer, university lecturer, and former special education teacher. While pursuing his Doctorate in Neuro-Education, Dr. Merideth worked as a doctoral fellow engaging in a wide variety of research projects for school districts in the Pacific Northwest. Dr. Merideth is the founder of Neuro-Education Press and the co-editor of the 2017 book Neuro-Education: A Translation From Theory to Practice. Ana Lia Oliva, Ed.D. CCC-SLP, holds a Doctorate of Education in Leading and Learning with a focus on neuroeducation and adult transformative learning from the University of Portland. Her research explores the role of language in cognitive processes, particularly how language influences adult learners’ transformative shifts in thinking and perspective. Both speakers are co-founders of The Neuro-Learning and Language Network, a community of educators who explore brain-based learning in the efforts of promoting equity and social justice in school systems. $15.00 DISCOUNT (senior, student, it's your birthday, just can't afford the GA price right now) $20.00 GENERAL ADMISSION $35.00 VIP: Premium seating (front center rows) $45.00 SUPPORTER: Premium seating, pint glass (beer not included), and good feelings for supporting the programScience lecturePT1H30M2025-03-12Science on Tap: The Wonderful World of Neurodiversity"Science on Tap: The Wonderful World of Neurodiversity"


March 12, 7:00 pm

March 12, 7:00 pm