Americans Jeff and Tommy, hunting in Scotland, stumble upon a village - Brigadoon. They soon learn that the town appears once every 100 years in order to preserve its peace and special beauty. The citizens go to bed at night and when they wake up, it's 100 years later. Tommy falls in love with a beautiful young woman, Fiona, and is torn between staying or going back to his hectic life in New York. Please note: the Friday 1pm show is open to the public, but is programmed as a dementia friendly "sing-a-long" screening in partnership with HOPE Dementia Support. All seats for this showing are $10.MusicPT1H48MG2024-09-13
Gene Kelly
Van Johnson
Cyd Charisse
Barry Jones
Tudor Owen
Vincente Minnelli
Arthur Freed


September 13, 1:00 pm

September 14, 1:00 pm